Learn Rust by practicing, choose from a variety of coding exercises and challenges to help you improve your Rust programming skills.
Create a function that prints 'Hello, world!' to the console using Rust.
Learn to declare immutable variables in Rust and understand their usage.
Get familiar with primitive data types in Rust by defining and annotating variables.
Implement a function to convert numerical types using the `as` keyword in Rust.
Practice mathematical operations in Rust, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Learn how to use if-else statements in Rust to control the flow of your program.
Implement a function to sum even numbers in a given range using a for loop.
Use Rust's pattern matching to determine the weekday given its number.
Write a program that takes a string as input and counts the number of characters in the string.
Write a program that prints 'Fizz' for multiples of three, 'Buzz' for multiples of five, and 'FizzBuzz' for multiples of both.
Create a program that manages a registry of animals in a sanctuary.
Write a program that calculates the median and mode of a list of numbers.
Implement graceful error handling in Rust using the Result type.
Implement a function to check if a number is prime using logical operators and conditional statements.
Implement a function to describe if a number is positive, negative, or zero, and if it is even or odd.
Implement a function to calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer using early returns and loops.
Implement a temperature converter that handles various units and errors.
Implement early returns in Rust to validate user input for age and email.
Implement a function to find the first palindrome number in a range using any control flow construct.
Implement a finite state automaton (FSA) to recognize a specific pattern in a sequence of characters.
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