Getting Started with Rust

Welcome to Rustfinity. This guide is designed to help you learn the Rust programming language, from a beginner to an advanced level.

The course is divided into several sections, each covering a different aspect of Rust. It's recommended to follow the sections in order, as each section builds on the previous one.

Learn Rust by Practice

Master Rust through hands-on coding exercises and real-world examples.

How to get the most out of this course?

It's recommended that you log in with your account to keep track of your progress and participate in quizzes, challenges, and discussions.

The course will be updated regularly with new content, so make sure to check back often for new lessons and exercises. When you finish a lesson, you will see a checkmark next to it in the sidebar. However, you might come back later and see the checkmark is gone. That's because we've updated the content of the lesson, and you might want to revisit it.


This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of programming concepts, such as variables, functions, loops, and conditionals. Even if you're new to programming, if you know these concepts, it will be much easier for you to follow along.

Also, this course assumes that you have a basic understanding of the command line. You should be comfortable using the terminal to run commands and navigate the file system.

Should you learn Rust?

Before we get into the details of what Rust is, how it works and how to use it, let's first answer the important question: should you learn Rust? or why should you learn Rust?

Just like any other programming language, Rust might or might not be for you. It depends on your goals, interests, and the projects you're working on. However, there are some good reasons why you should consider learning Rust.

Some could say performance is the most important aspect of Rust. But I think, even though Rust is quite fast and efficient, there is another aspect that makes Rust unique and stand out: safety, along with many other features that make Rust a great language to learn.

The problem with low level languages

Just like every new technology, Rust is also here so solve a problem, or a set of problems. One of the most important problems Rust tries to solve is the problem of memory safety.

In the older low-level languages like C and C++, memory safety is a big issue. These languages give you full control over the memory, but with great power comes great responsibility. If you're not careful, you can easily introduce memory leaks, buffer overflows, and other memory-related bugs.

Rust tries to solve this problem by providing a set of rules and restrictions that prevent you from making these mistakes. It's like having a safety net that catches you when you fall. This set of rules is called the ownership system.

In the other low-level programming languages, the program would let you do anything you want, even accessing invalid memory, this would let you introduce bugs that are hard to find and fix. It would be a great idea to have a system that prevents you from doing that, but still gives you the power to control the low-level details of your program.

Rust is designed to be that system. It's a language that gives you the power of C and C++, but with the safety of a high-level language like Python or JavaScript.

This not only makes Rust performant and efficient, but also safe and reliable. It's a language that you can trust to write systems-level code that catches you whenever you write something that could potentially be unsafe.

These sets of rules and restrictions make writing Rust code a bit harder than writing code in other languages, but it's a trade-off that's worth it. You get a language that's fast, efficient, and safe. That's why when you are a beginner, you might find Rust a bit hard to learn, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see the benefits.

What can you build with Rust?

Rust is a general-purpose programming language that can be used to build a wide range of applications. Some of the most common use cases for Rust include:

  • System programming: Rust is well-suited for writing system-level code, such as operating systems, device drivers, and embedded systems.
  • Web development: Rust can be used to build web servers, APIs, and other web applications. There are several web frameworks available for Rust, such as Axum, Actix, Rocket, Warp, and Yew which is like React but in Rust.
  • Compilers and interpreters: Rust is a great choice for building compilers, interpreters, and other language tools. The Rust compiler rustc is actually written in Rust itself. Most companies also are trying to rewrite their compilers in Rust to take advantage of the performance benefits, including turbo by Vercel.
  • Network Programming: Rust is great for writing networked applications, such as chat servers, game servers, and other network services. One of the most popular libraries for network programming in Rust is tokio which you will see we will use it a lot when it comes to building web servers. Tokio provides event-driven, non-blocking I/O, which is essential for high-performance network servers and clients
  • Command-line tools: Rust is a great choice for writing command-line tools and utilities. The Clap library is a popular choice for building command-line interfaces in Rust.
  • Game development: Rust is increasingly being used for game development, thanks to its performance and safety features. The Bevy game engine is the most popular choice for building games in Rust.
  • Machine learning: Rust is also being used in the field of machine learning, libraries like tch-rs which is a Rust binding for the PyTorch machine learning library. Even though Rust is not as popular as Python or R for machine learning, but it's gaining popularity because of its performance and safety features, and more and more libraries are being developed for machine learning in Rust.
  • Blockchain: Rust is also being used in the field of blockchain development because of it's safety, performance and concurrency features. The Diem project, which is a blockchain project by Meta (formerly Facebook), is written in Rust.

After this introduction about Rust, you should have a better understanding of what Rust is, why you should learn it, and what you can build with it. If you think Rust is for you, then you're in the right place. In the next lesson, we're going to learn how to install Rust and writing our first "Hello, World!" program.